apache: PHP not working in UserDir
Some versions of Debian based distros (like Ubuntu) disable by default the usage of PHP in userdir websites (http://server/~user). To enable, remove the following lines from /etc/apache2/mods-: <IfModule > <Directory…
Permission denied: exec of … failed in apache
If apache returns 'Permission denied: exec of <filename> failed' then you are in two possible situations: 1. 'filename' IS A CGI SCRIPT There could be several reasons for this, for…
Solaris: service management facility commands
List all running services # svcs List detailed information about a service # svcs -x List the services a given service depends of # svcs -d List the services that…
Installing additional locales in Solaris
If you need to add support to additional locales on an already installed Solaris system, then you have to do the following: SOLARIS 11 1. Determine the locale name you…
change hostname in Solaris
The procedure for changing hostname varies, depending of the Solaris version: SOLARIS 11 1. Change the nodename/config property in system/identity:node service: # svccfg -s system/identity:node setprop config/nodename="new_hostname" 2. Refresh the…
upgrade Ubuntu from the command line
To upgrade Ubuntu to the latest version using the command line, follow these steps: 1. Install the package update-manager-core # apt-get install update-manager-core 2. Execute do-release-upgrade # do-release-upgrade NOTES: -…
administering user passwords in linux
Change a user's password # passwd username Force password change at next login # passwd -e username Lock a user's password # passwd -l username NOTE: this option does not…
Disable IPv6 in linux
When some devices of your network don't support IPv6 (like your ISP routers!), then it's probably better to disable IPv6 on your linux hosts. It's worth noting that some applications…
Change the size of reserved space on ext4 partitions
By default, when formatting a partition with ext4 (it also applies to ext3 and ext2), a percentage (usually 5%) of the total disk size is set aside and reserved for…
samba useful commands
Check whether the config file is correct # testparm List connected users and locked files # smbstatus List the shares of a host # smbclient -L <host> -N Lookup NetBIOS…